Immersion cooling tank for cooling castings
Due to the special design of the heat exchanger, the cooling process takes place directly in the basin. Even at high ambient temperatures and unfavorable coolant temperatures, cooling takes place reliably. Maintenance requirements and water consumption are minimal.
The pool temperature is controlled electrically or self-regulating by means of an analog thermostat.
The immersion cooling pool with two water circuits adapted to your size and shape.
- Cooling water circuit completely separated from the immersion water circuit.
- Low maintenance, no filter system necessary
- Connection to on-site cooling water supply
- Without electrical control / electrical consumers possible
- Individually adaptable on request
- Basin, basket and heat exchanger in stainless steel
- Removable basket for cleaning
- Simple control and operation
- Available in different sizes
- Depending on the desired cooling capacity, other materials can be used
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